à l'USJ...


Sous le Haut Patronage de Son Excellence
Le Président de la République Libanaise
Le Général Michel SLEIMAN

Conférence internationale sur les
Tendances actuelles en sécurité routière

Avec le partenariat de :

En coopération avec
Le Partenariat mondial pour la sécurité routière

Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth - Liban
16-18 mars 2014

Avec le soutien de

UNESCWA ; AUF ; Khatib et Alami ; Banque Audi ; Renault-Liban ; AGEV ; North Insurance.

Et la participation de

OMS ; Banque Mondiale ; UNECE ; SSP-Liban

The International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Road Safety, held in Beirut, March 16-18, 2014, has witnessed thirty-three speakers to present various points of view related to road safety. Presentations are now available for downloading.


The Renault Foundation - Saint-Joseph University Chair and Master on Road Safety Management celebrated on March 16, 2014 the graduation of it first cohort, at a ceremony held under the patronage of H.E. the President of the Lebanese Republic, General Michel Sleiman, represented by H.E. Excellency Mr. Raymond Arayji, Minister of Culture and in the presence of H.E. Mr. Mohammad Kabbani, representing H.E. the President of Parliament, and Ms. Alice Chabtini, Minister of the Displaced, representing the President of the Council of Ministers.

On that occasion, an international conference on Contemporary Trends in Road Safety, was held from 16 to 18 March 2014, with the participation of more than 20 international and Arab experts in road safety, including the President and the CEO of the Global Road Safety Partnership, representatives of the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and experts from France, Australia, the United States of America, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Egypt and other countries and organizations.

This conference aimed to mark road safety as a national cause and to identify innovative ways to confront the century new crisis defined as a modern epidemic of extraordinary proportions. The conference aimed to develop as well a vision to save as many as possible lives threatened by road mobility. The various sessions of the Conference were followed by more than 100 participants from Lebanon and other countries.
The opening session included the following:

Speaking on behalf of Mr. Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Renault, Mrs. Martin told the public that he "takes the MANSER program particularly in heart, as it reflects our collective determination to contribute to the efforts of social and human progress. It is what makes Renault a social committed company”. Mrs. Martin reiterated Renault commitment "to develop knowledge, to transmit to students, but also to broadcast far beyond, from professionals of the road in general and with all individuals, public and private authorities responsible for dealing with road safety issues".

The inaugural conference

The challenges of road safety in the world today” (En) was presented by Mr. Jean-Yves Le Coz, Chairman of GRSP and expert leader in the strategic field of road safety in Renault Group. In his presentation, he reminded the history of road safety which became a global issue, hence the need for a holistic approach which applies developing and sharing knowledge in road safety field in order to alert drivers about the risks and provide security systems that help drivers to emerge from situations of distress, maximize protection for all users in the event of collision, optimize post-crash intervention for first responders and emergency teams.

The road safety action

The first part of the Conference was dedicated to study the essentials of road safety action, summarizing the human, social and economic costs of road accidents in the Arab region and the world and the actions taken in this regard at regional and international levels.
Mr Kacem Iaych outlined “the perspective of the World Health Organization” (En) on the situation of victims of road accidents in the world and the Arab region. His presentation emphasized the results of the second report on road safety published in March 2013. He provided quick view on the mortality rate caused by car accidents in the Mediterranean region than a summary of the methods, legislation and their implementation.

The Global Road Safety Partnership vision on global and regional actions for road safety was presented by Mr. Peter Venter, CEO of GRSP under the title 9." the concept and practice of 'Safe system' (En), which recognized that despite the prevention efforts, road users make mistakes and accidents occur. ''The concept of the 'Safe system assumes that (a) the human body has a tolerance limited to violent shocks and when this tolerance is exceeded, the death or injuries are probable outcome; (b) accidents occur despite the efforts of prevention; (c) the challenge is to avoid the loss of life that can be relieved by the establishment and the management of road infrastructure and reduction of speed to reduce the crashes not tolerated by the human body.

In the context of the Decade of action for road safety 2011-2020, the 10.“ approach of the  United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(En) was demonstrated by Mr. Robert Novak. The road accidents are injuries and constitute the third global cause of diseases and trauma. Accidents constitute public health problems and reduce development, with social and economic consequences. The human cost of trauma and traffic accidents are not negligible. Traffic accidents have a heavily cost not only national but also on international economies. In this actual context, there is a risk of compromising the country's development and prevent progress towards sustainable development.

Mr. Said Dahdah presented the “roadmap of the World Bank on road safety in the world and particularly MENA region”. The choice by the World Bank on road safety projects is based on the principle of the “safe system”. In this context, investments in road safety must include national capacity-building efforts in systematic investment programs. These programs are identified by the World Bank to accelerate the transfer of knowledge on road safety but also to strengthen the capacity of the partner countries and stakeholders to quickly produce results.
Mrs. Samar Abu Raad exposed the 12. « Action Plan of the GRSP-MENA » (En). This plan aims to promote regional synergy on road safety and the establishment of a coordination platform where governments, business and organizations can communicate and share their experiences and expertise. The plan aims to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in road safety, improve the transfer of know-how and support initiatives for the exchange of experiences. Finally, it favors the implementation of databases and interventions based on good practices and support their shared application in the region.

Essential pillars of the Decade of action for road safety: preventive action

The second part of the Conference was devoted to essential pillars of the Decade of action for road safety.

Towards safer roads

13.“The concept of forgiving road” (En) was presented by Mr. Michael Dreznes, Vice President of the International Road Federation. This concept of “forgiving road” fits into the targets to improve road safety. The concept of the forgiving route is to limit the severity of accidents in protecting or removing side barriers. The details of the concept are defined in this downloadable online interview.
Mr. Haider Yousif made a presentation on 14." methodology of iRAP for the classification of roads (En) in terms of safety. It exposes the philosophy and principles of iRAP. The organization provides tools and training to assist governments, research centers, specialized agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations to make the roads safer. Protocol of iRAP is a basis to analyze and manage the risks of the road in particular the role of road infrastructure. The Protocol includes tools that evaluate the roads and infrastructure on the road risk plans.

Towards safer vehicles

Mr. Jeff Michael, Director of international relations at the NHTSA, presented the 15. “assessment of the NHTSA action(En) and its evolution of normative action on vehicles towards a comprehensive approach to road safety. This presentation was supplemented by the intervention of Madame Lena Dargham, general director of the Lebanese Normalization Institution, which has developed a 16.balance of vehicle safety standards in the light of the European standards. (En)
The discussion that followed emphasized the need for Arab countries to accede to international conventions and to strictly apply international standards to ensure that any vehicle travelling on our roads meets these standards, including vehicles of transit of persons (bus and minibus) and freight (lorries and other heavy vehicles), taking into account the many victims who fall each year due to accidents involving such vehicles in many Arab countries.

Safer behavior

The call for the implementation of safer behaviors by all users of the road was the subject of three presentations. Mr. Yves Page, Renault road safety expert, made a presentation on 17. “behaviors - errors and violations (Fr) in which he contended that the accident is a hazardous phenomenon with multiple causes. However, it would be necessary to know the causes and eliminate the most significant. Some major causes are an integral part of the system of roads and human behavior accentuate them. Where the importance of «control of behavior - Legislation and enforcement " developed by H.E. Mr. Ziad Baroud, former Minister of Interior in Lebanon, which has insisted on the need to rely on deterrence to counter violations and on the fact that the suppression of behaviors should aim to develop self-regulation of deviant behavior. This second component is added to the need for a 19.“ road safety awareness and education” (En) to upgrade implementation of good practice of road safety, especially among young people, and which were developed by Mrs. Gayle di Pietro, an Australian expert in road safety education.

The epidemiology of road traffic accidents

Under this title, Mr. Dominique Fleury, French internationally renowned expert, introduced 20. “road safety paradigms(En) focusing on the theories, practices and new opportunities. Taking the example of France and despite the technological evolution of vehicles, he demonstrated that the road environment remains a non-secure area. Prevention policies and research are reinforced by explicit theories on accident, the choice of targets for intervention, the nature of the shares and the distribution of means. He ended his presentation by the tracks of progress and the types of action to be implemented to eradicate this scourge.
In this context, M Yves Page insisted on 21 "the importance of database” (Fr) for understanding action on road safety and road accidents. In most countries, the relevant institutions collect data of interest on road safety. The difficulty lies in its good coding, its good analysis so they can inform the practices and safety management.

Road safety management

Policies and management of road safety international and national experiences have been the subject of eight presentations.

Mr. Yarob Badr made a presentation on 25."the conceptual management of road safety foundations" (Ar) that provides a general framework from which we can judge the comprehensiveness of national policies. Mr. Dominique Fleury exposed 26.the France experience” (Fr) focusing on four points: the safety organization, statistics, the evolution of the policies and actions. Mr. Jesper Soelund, introduced 27."policies and the management of safety at the Denmark" (En) outlining the field of intervention that combines legislation, road infrastructure, the vehicle safety, communication and education.

In the regional context, the national experiences of Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, were successively presented by MM. Benacer Boulaajoul, Boutalbi Hashemi, Mohamed Elessawi, Rami Dabbas and Joseph Moussalem.

Mr. Boulaajoul outlined 28. “the strategy of Morocco” (Fr) on road safety. This strategy, developed in 2004, concerning the coordination and management of the road safety, legislation, control and sanctions, the training of drivers and the reform of the system of examinations of driving, road infrastructure and urban roads, provided relief to the victims of the traffic, communication and education, & research-technology.

  • 29.Mr. Boutalbi Hashemi : The experience of Algeria
  • Mr. Mohamed Elesawey: The experience of Egypt
  • Col. Rami Dabbas: The experience of Jordan

32. “The Lebanese experience presented by Colonel Joseph Moussalem” (Ar) Director of public relations in the Internal Security Forces. He developed the situation of road safety in the context of the law of 1967 on security then chained on the new law.

Presentation of students works of the Master in management of road safety

Three students were selected among graduates of the Renault Foundation - USJ Master in management of road safety to present their work.

  1. 22.Mr. Mustapha Azzouzi gave an overview of his end of studies work entitled “review of the capacity of Morocco’s road safety management”' (Fr) in which he identified trends in accidents, the current system of road safety management in Morocco and finished his presentation with some recommendations.
  2. 23. Mr. Kamel Ibrahim presented an overview of his thesis on "the status of the information system on road safety in Lebanon and its development " (Ar) in which he highlighted the huge hollow which exists in this area and the lack of national strategy to compensate for and find solutions. He recommends the creation of a national observatory, the collaboration between the various institutions concerned and the implementation of training of those involved in the implementation of laws.
  3. 24.Ms. Najat Oukessou presented a summary of her thesis on " the strategy of the Renault Morocco Group for the improvement of road safety at the level of the Tanger-Melloussa section" (Fr). Her presentation is the result of an internship of 6 months with the Renault Group in Tanger. Renault aims to ensure safe and sustainable mobility for staff at the factory field in Tanger.

Conclusions were developed by M. Henri Awit, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, USJ and Mr. Jean-Yves Le Coz,

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