

The Founding Partners

This programme is proposed by the Renault Foundation and Saint-Joseph University, Beirut in collaboration with the authorities, organisations, associations, companies and experts required to ensure the diversity and the relevance of the training, the knowledge transfer towards and within the region, as well as the development and sustainability of the actions that will result from the research and academic programmes.

Partnership Opportunities

The Chair is open to institutional, industrial and academic partners worldwide with specific interests or resources in the target region. This multisectoral partnership will enable the Chair to identify and orient its road safety research programme to deal with real world concerns in the region and to enrich the contents and delivery of the Masters’ programme.

Partner involvement may take many forms:

  • proposing students to follow the training courses;
  • taking part in lectures and providing case studies to share their knowledge and experience;
  • suggesting study and research topics for students and experts, relative to country, region, company… specificities;
  • receiving Masters’ students for practical internships,
  • providing employment opportunities for course graduates;
  • contributing to dissemination of Chair activities and research programmes;
  • providing financial support to the Chair.
© 2012 - Université Saint-Joseph     
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