

Intended Learning Outcomes


At the end of the study period, the graduate would have acquired the following competencies :

  • A deep knowledge and perspicuous understanding of the various factors related to Road Safety, such as: vehicle and road safety, regulatory framework and law enforcement, road users behavior, post-accident management, information systems, etc.
  • The ability to develop information systems for Road Safety and to analyze and interpret the relevant data.
  • The ability to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to analyze Road Safety issues in a multidisciplinary perspective, to formulate sound judgments and to propose genuine and viable solutions to deal with these issues.
  • The ability to take into account in the analyses and judgments the social and ethical aspects related to the application of knowledge and to the methods of intervention in Road Safety.
  • The capacity to communicate the analyses done and the conclusions reached in a clear, precise and coherent manner, orally and in writing.
The aptitude to undertake research and autonomous learning endeavors, as regards the theoretical aspects related to Road Safety, as well as regards the practical applications in natural settings.
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