

Saint-Joseph University, Beirut (USJ) is a private, higher education institute, founded in Beirut, Lebanon by the Jesuits in 1875. It has non-profit making and public service status and enjoys a high level of administrative, scientific and financial autonomy as regards its founders and Lebanese state authorities.

USJ completes its academic and research missions through a network of 12 Faculties, 21 Institutes and Higher Education Schools in addition to a certain number of research centres and Chairs covering the full range of university training and research areas.

The University’s components are situated in 5 campuses in Beirut and its north-east suburb, dedicated to Social Sciences, Human Sciences, Medical and Infirmary Sciences, Science and Technology, and Research and Innovation, which was inaugurated on 13th may 2011.  The University also has 3 study centres in North Lebanon, South Lebanon and in the Bekaa, as well as a satellite university study centre in Dubai. The university fosters long-term relationships with the private sector and develops, updates and delivers programmes in accordance with opportunities on the employment market.

This educational vocation is complemented by a cultural mission which enables students to access an authentic culture through various specialisation options.

Through its research centres and cutting-edge laboratories, USJ places the utmost importance on innovative cultural and scientific research, which it considers as fundamental to the evolution of the institute and complementary to vocational and continuing education. In so doing, the University considers that it contributes to the highlighting of certain problems within the country and the region on the medical, technological and social levels.

USJ attaches a high level of importance to the international aspects of its actions through its participation in various international networks for higher education and its numerous agreements with universities and professional organisations, while maintaining its francophone attachment.

Beyond its regional and international influence, USJ is attached to its presence within Lebanese society. With this objective in mind, the University is keen to raise students’ awareness of social commitment through the 7th Day programme launched as a result of the 2006 Lebanese crisis and which benefits populations in the towns and villages, as well as the impoverished.

In addition, because of its acute awareness of the high mortality rates, the University has placed road safety at Lebanese and regional levels at the heart of its commitment. As such, and in its capacity as member of the international francophone network for the promotion of safety and injury prevention, USJ has hosted the network’s biannual seminar twice, including the May 2011 edition which focussed specifically on road safety.

Through this ground-breaking venture, on both the national and international perspectives, USJ is committed to training road safety experts, organising awareness raising operations, becoming a reference centre for information and expertise…


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