
  The Context  

The region’s motorisation rate is currently relatively low, although there is great disparity between countries (721 vehicles per 1000 population in Qatar compared to 20 in the West Bank and Gaza).

Figure: Road death and motorisation rates for the region, compared to the European average and the United States.

Source : OMS 2009, Global Status Report on Road Safety (2007 Data)

By 2020, it is estimated that the number of vehicles in the region will have risen by approximately 40% .

The relationship between motorisation rates and road traffic deaths has been widely documented by the scientific community. Rapid motorisation in the low and middle income countries leaves them less time to prepare for the rise in road traffic injuries and to take the necessary preventive measures.

Moreover, it appears from the “World Status Report on Road Safety” published by WHO in 2009, that:

  • research on road traffic injury prevention and control is rudimentary in most countries in the region;
  • data on important contributing factors were never reported or collated due to lack of collaboration.
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